Plunkett's Education, EdTech &; MOOCs Industry Almanac 2015 : Education, EdTech & MOOCs Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies

Bok av Jack W Plunkett
Millions of students are logging into MOOCs (massively open online courses) taught by the best professors from some of the world's best universities. While these courses are often free of charge, the platforms that are enabling them, such as Coursera,are searching for ways to profit from their efforts. Textbooks are becoming digital, as students want to carry laptops and iPads, not bags full of heavy books. Learning management systems are changing the way that teachers and professors communicate with students and track the results of individual students. Our exciting new Plunkett's Education, EdTech and MOOCs Industry Almanac offers a comprehensive market research and reference package covering the entire business side of the education field. Profiles of leading companies in education technology,leading for-profit schools and universities, text book publishers and more are covered in exacting details. We give you a thorough analysis of the trends that are creating massive changes within this industry today, along with a highly useful set of statistical tables, a database of industry associations, executive contacts and a glossary. This value-packed package will be a resource you turn to again and again to keep up with the education industry. Contents includes:Education industry trends analysis and market research Education technologies Online education, including MOOCs Trends in remote, online learning for charter schools and public education Changes and trends in student populations Trends and statistics in student loans Trends in corporate training and business education Investments, venture capital and partnerships Profiles of hundreds of leading companies The tutoring business, including Kahn Academy Leisure learning online, including