The Baby Snook Scripts Volume 3 (Hardback)

Bok av Philip Rapp
Welcome, gang, to the third edition of Baby Snooks Scripts! Let the applause herald Frank Morgan, Meredith Willson, Hanley Stafford, and Fanny Brice in rompers as the one and only? Baby Snooks! You might notice some strange things in this edition. These scripts are from a variety of times and typewriters, but as a completest myself, I like to keep things as close to how they were originally written as possible, to show you just how the scripts really were back then. That?s why you might notice some formatting differences between scripts, non-uniformed spacings, maybe some crossed out lines, and other oddness that I have left in for the sake of preserving history. I hope you enjoy them and don?t find it all too distracting. Volume 4 coming right up!