Quality of Life &; Intellectual Disability : Knowledge Application to Other Social & Educational Challenges

Bok av Roy I. Brown
We all long for a life of purpose and fulfilment. Striving for high quality of life for us and those we care for is a powerful motivator. Many busy people dream of being lazy by a pool fanned by a soft summer breeze, but this does not last. A short time of rest and replenishment is quickly replaced by boredom and a sense of purposelessness. Quality of life is much deeper than material comfort, though this has a role. Sadly in our world today, many people live lives lacking in meaning and value: the unemployed, the underemployed, those with disabilities who would like to contribute to society but are deprived the opportunity. Their quality of life is not what it could be. In this book, we have attempted to provide examples of how people face challenges, and the family members, professionals and care personnel who support them can be helped and supported through services working within a quality of life framework. The book provides a challenge to be addressed by the individual, their families, local communities, governments, international organisations and the society at large.