Research Advances in Astronomy : Techniques, Structures for Biosensing and Potential Applications

Bok av Nadine Mehler
In this compilation, the theory of gravitational anti-screening is presented as an alternative to the current theory of dark matter. This includes first applying the theory to the rotational curve of the galaxy, to spiral galaxies in general, and to the Coma cluster. Finally, the theory will be applied to the solar system where it will be shown to be compatible with planetary ephemerides.Next, the observable features that allow for the reconstruction of past environmental conditions are collected and characterized, focusing on the available data, uncertainties, missing information and targets of future research work. Furthermore, mineral paragenesis and different types of indicators should be used in conjunction and the missing data represents the directions for future research.The following chapter presents the evaluation of some aspects of the two remaining landing site candidates (Oxia Planum and Mawrth Vallis) for the ESA ExoMars 2020 rover to highlight the geological and astrobiological aspects. These lessons learned should be used in the future to support the scientific outcome.Discussion continues about the nature of the zebra-structure in type IV radio bursts, proposing that even the most protracted mechanism associated with double plasma resonance has been improved in a series of works. The authors demonstrate the possibility of modeling with whistlers to explain many thin components of zebra-structure stripes, taking into account the effects of scattering whistlers on fast particles.The existence of Dark Matter in the Universe is one of the most accepted ideas in modern cosmology to explain a number of puzzling astronomical observations, even though it has not been directly observed. As such, the authors review the motivation for its existence as inferred from its influence on ordinary matter and its properties in terms of specific candidate particles.Broad-lined type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic-BL) have received much attention as of late because they are the only SNe associated with long-duration gamma-ray bursts. In this book, efforts have been made to understand the origin of their huge kinetic energy, peculiar light curve, and spectral features.Lastly, three hygroscopic salts are discussed, calcium perchlorate (Ca(ClO4)2), magnesium perchlorate (Mg(ClO4)2) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). Examination of past rover landing sites showed that at most of them deliquescence could occur in theory, based on the modeled meteorological values and assuming that hygroscopic salts are at hand.