Curmudgeons, Conundrums and Druthers That Sail

Bok av Marc C Sherman
Gather round my friends And you?ll hear many a tale About Curmudgeons, Conundrums and Druthers that Sail *** If you believe that your life?s Ambitions complete, You will change your tune After you have occupied Sesame Street You?ll hear the sage like reflections of a wise sexagenarian, spoken after he naps in the family solarium An odd Superhero locked in in the dungeon May I introduce, ?The Mighty Curmudgeon.? Anthropomorphized creatures you?ll see, Plus Donkeys and Elephants who serve you and me. While on our sojourn high atop Capitol Hill, We?ll debate Senator Crackerbarrel?s Omnibus, Deregulation Bill. I will introduce you to an erudite Dinosaur, whose wonderful books are in your neighborhood bookstore, You?ll see those that you had often admired, despite what you?ve already heard. Are not fully retired You?ll soon meet Kojak, Colombo and Mortimer Snerd. And just when you think That you have really seen it all, You will meet a few living legends from the game of baseball A cabbie from one of the Stans Whose Circuitous route through the Garden State will change all of the family?s holiday plans. A Passover Seder all full of tradition, You?ll find a surprise in this child?s four question rendition. And to top it all off, with much more than a story, You?ll read my attempt to write allegory A story about Those Druthers of Pine and Gumptions made of wood so refine and their neighbor The Umbrage, made of the Heaviest Twine *** I hope you enjoy our book full of tales, ?Curmudgeons, Conundrums and Druthers that Sail