Motor Control in Humans : A System-Theoretical Approach

Bok av Wacław Petryński
Through time, an organism gains the ability to actively control purpose and then transform it into inventiveness. With this transformation, the psyche is born. It is practically incomprehensible to direct experimental research and mathematical description. Hence, to transform rough knowledge into highly processed science, it seems reasonable to follow in the footsteps of evolution and to apply the systemic way of description of biological phenomena and processes. One might deduce that evolution has already made all the essential errors, so this path of scientific thinking is relatively free from intellectual minds. The only observable manifestation of any psychical activity of the human mind is movement, which is the subject of interest of the scientific discipline termed motor control. So, without psychology, motor control is mindless; yet, without motor control, psychology is also blind. Nevertheless, it seems that motor control may make a window, enabling a view with intellectual and not experimental methodology into the human mind. Even the physical part of reality is too complex to be described in full. To understand this intricate idea somehow, it is necessary to create the simplified representations of reality, or theories. As a result, science is not able to determine how reality is; it may only produce more or less useful descriptions of reality. This book makes an attempt at the creation of such a system-theoretical description of issues concerning the motor behavior of living beings, including humans. It suggests the very nature of essential processes underlying this essential biological process.