The Way Forward To A New Global Economy

Bok av Jeffrey Kolber
THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC THAT HAS BEEN GETTING WORSE SINCE THE .DOT COM CRASH AND GULF WAR IS THE IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY After contemplating the instant deterioration of his net worth, this citizen has revisited the repetitive downfalls and has seen the middle class go up and down like a yo-yo, However, I have offered a novel re-structuring of our economy to cure these problems. And it is encapsulated in a rational, logical proposal of not just changes to the Capitalist model, but a more fundamental shift that can be applied to all our global nations, whether they be governed by Communism, Stalinism, Monarchism or Tribalism. I have named this new paradigm Humanitarian Socialism, which brings a constant supply of labor, goods, services and resources to all economies using a managed resource pool of global collaborative production to accommodate different nations' requirements (Demand) in lieu of a competitive market. The reason for such a change is that I have not seen any permanent remediation to recessions, as one example. Upon examination of our society's ills, mistakes, leadership preferences, et al, it is the author's opinion that fundamental changes are required to the economic-political-social foundation in order to benefit all of us, not just a few groups of people. And so the intent of these Essays is to give our Citizens a way to how they might think through it all while merging our own needs with the cultures and people of the other two-hundred plus nations on our planet, enriching each other as we progress in mutual harmony. Consider a CO-OP Board over-seeing, sharing and re-balancing all our economies' needs. I leave the rest to the reader's own interpretation. THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC THAT HAS BEEN GETTING WORSE SINCE THE .DOT COM CRASH AND GULF WAR IS THE IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY After contemplating the instant deterioration of his net worth, this citizen has revisited the repetitive downfalls and has seen the middle class go up and down like a yo-yo, However, I have offered a novel re-structuring of our economy to cure these problems. And it is encapsulated in a rational, logical proposal of not just changes to the Capitalist model, but a more fundamental shift that can be applied to all our global nations, whether they be governed by Communism, Stalinism, Monarchism or Tribalism. I have named this new paradigm Humanitarian Socialism, which brings a constant supply of labor, goods, services and resources to all economies using a managed resource pool of global collaborative production to accommodate different nations' requirements (Demand) in lieu of a competitive market. The reason for such a change is that I have not seen any permanent remediation to recessions, as one example. Upon examination of our society's ills, mistakes, leadership preferences, et al, it is the author's opinion that fundamental changes are required to the economic-political-social foundation in order to benefit all of us, not just a few groups of people. And so the intent of these Essays is to give our Citizens a way to how they might think through it all while merging our own needs with the cultures and people of the other two-hundred plus nations on our planet, enriching each other as we progress in mutual harmony. Consider a CO-OP Board over-seeing, sharing and re-balancing all our economies' needs. I leave the rest to the reader's own interpretation.