Trapped by the Use of Possessive Determiner My

Bok av Dr Elizabeth Owonikoko
There will always be life challenges, but how you respond to them will determine if you would emerge victoriously or be at the losing end. One of the ways we kill ourselves is through the words of our mouth. Words are like bullets: once the trigger is pulled, it is hard to take back. Every word we speak is a seed sown. Seeds take time to germinate, but when they do, they bring forth exactly what we sowed. That is why it is imperative we sow good seeds so that we would harvest good crops. However, speaking positive words in the midst of negative situation is always a challenge because of the fear associated with negative situations. In this book, I am mostly concerned with the use of this simple two-letter word "my," known as possessive determiner, to refer to something negative in our lives. It is a common word that we use either ignorantly to tell people about our situation. "My migraine is back," "My asthma symptom is back," "I am down with Crestor for my diabetes," and much more. The word "my" is a possessive determiner used to claim ownership of a noun. It is a fact that you were diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure, cardiac problem, or even cancer. The truth is that it does not make it your own. When you openly tell people that you owned a sickness, you are also telling them that you accept the legal occupation of the sickness in your body. The reason why that sickness keeps coming back is because you have not decided what to do with it. Beloved, when you don't like a thing, you discard it. The fact that you have your name written on that negative medical report does not make it your disease. From spiritual point of view, you have every right to refuse to make it a reality in your life. God is the only person that speaks and it is final. He is also the only one that can reverse what the doctors say is irreversible. Change your mind-set from today concerning how you use words that could allow the devil access to plague your life. The last time I checked, sicknesses, diseases, failure, disappointment, anxiety, poverty, and every ugly situation that the devil and his minions bring into people's lives has nobody's name attached to them. Why then do you tell people that you own that sickness? The Bible says that my people are destroyed because they lack knowledge. The power of life and death are in the tongue. Use your tongue to speak positive words to your life and that of your loved ones. God bless you.