The Beat Goes On

Bok av Ron Moore
Fact IGod gave mankind each a heart rate with an average seventy beats per minute.Fact IIGod put mankind in an atmosphere of enough oxygen, water, nitrogen, and green vegetation to sustain life.Fact IIIGod wanted the love, respect, and faithfulness of his beautiful creations, man and woman.Fact IVGod warned against the evil outcome of sinning against His plan, but they tasted sin and were punished for life by guilt.Fact VGod eventually could only find one man and his family with the love, respect, and faith that God wanted from us. He was chosen to build a large ark (boat) to house and sustain two of every creature on earth and in the air. If not for the faith and love in this man's heart, none of us, including you or me, would be on this most beautiful planet.Fact VIGod made a covenant with this man and for all mankind to never destroy the earth by flood again. Using a rainbow as a sign of his covenant, he reminds all of us that he still loves us and wants to save us from our sin and guilt which destroy us.Fact VIIGod, many centuries later, sent his only Son Jesus Christ to us for the salvation of our souls. Because of this we can become one with God and reconcile our hearts to beat in synchronization with His love for us, which passes out of our limited understanding. Jesus, having no sin or guilt, was beaten, spit upon, cursed, mocked, tortured, hung by iron spikes on a wooden cross, and pierced by a spear in his side for all of the sins of the world's population-God's beloved man and woman, his creation, us, all of us! He took on my sins and guilt and will, if you haven't already, take on and forgive yours.Fact VIIIGod asks only for our acceptance of his son Jesus as our savior through the blood he shed and the suffering he went through for you and myself to take upon himself all the sins and guilt of the world in exchange for our faith in his redemptive power and his grace. Fact IX God, if we come to him in prayers with humble hearts beating just for him, he will listen to our plea for salvation through his son Jesus. Further, he will blot out and forgive our sins and give us a new "born-again" heart and soul which beats only for him. We then have the love of the triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit now within. We become a clean vessel for God's love.Fact XGod has a home for us with Him for eternity (endless time) in a place with no more tears, fears, sickness, disease, greed, lies, cheating, corruption, war, hatred or evil of any other kind. Thus "the beat goes on" and on and on . . . The above are the ten facts of life. * Look forward to the end . . . * Which is just the beginning . . . * No big bang here . . . * Just a sincere quiet prayer will do . . .