Twin : My Brothers and Me

Bok av Carl H Boyd
It is a true story of identical twin boys who are now deceased. This story takes place solely in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. It is a story about brothers who grew up out of the tense and racially segregated times of the fifties through the seventies. They were born in a time when great changes were taking place. It was the year 1945, and the closing of that great and awful war. For some, it was a time of great joy. "Victory!" the headlines read, but for whom? It was a time of great abundance and plenty for some, but for others, there was a severe scarcity of even the basics such as jobs, food, clothing, housing, and healthcare. It was a time of "do or die." It was a time of "have and have-nots" and "by any means necessary." These were the times in which the twins came through. It is a story of their audacious boldness to survive in a time of scarcity. These are my recollections and reminiscence of the history of my brothers Leo and Leon Wright. It is also the reminiscing of their mother Olivia Boyd, their brother Ezell Wright, a host of relatives, and those few who considered them friends. All dates and instances are true to the best of our knowledge and of the people herein-all who had the pleasure or the horror of knowing "Twin."