Transformed to Tell : Journey To Freedom Through Forgiveness

Bok av Sabrina Kelley
Sabrina chooses to let go of the bitterness of her dark past and unlashes herself into a great life of freedom. In this Novel, Sabrina does just that told from the perspective of her younger self, Sabrina shares her traumatic experiences of molestation and her journey of healing through Forgiveness. Through her own experiences, she uncovers her dark past of an ordeal that left her depressed. However, she did not allow the circumstance to break her, but rather, allowed the peace of God to fill her spirit and her soul was overwhelmed with FORGIVENESS and peace. She demonstrates the journey of transformation through the renewing of the mind. Sabrina shares stories inspired by true events in her life and gives real life insight, tips, tools and even provides Warning Signs for children and parents to prevent and heal from sexual inappropriateness. She offers her 5-Step Action Plan to begin the journey to set yourself free from the pain of the past.