The King Has Spoken Through the Power of Poetry

Bok av Linda Hughes
My name is Linda Hughes and I am a blessed author who resides in Lorain, Ohio. I have been writing for many years. I truly believe that it is my purpose and a passion that was gifted by God, to go forth and spread the good news of our Heavenly Father's love. My goal is to inspire all. I assure you, this powerful book of God's beauty will keep you in awe. For a Second Chance Romance....... With the Lord! Second Chance Romance- When God gives you another chance to be in his loving arms (like a baby wrapped in a blanket). Do everything you can do, to let go, and let God enter into your life (heart). Sometimes we don't realize what a privilege it is to have a second chance romance with our Savior Jesus Christ. How awesome it is to tell you, personally, some of the experiences I have had to see, feel and breath the beauty of our almighty King's love which has and still is leaving me yearning to want more of His agape love.