The Lost and Found Children of the Deep Blue : For We Live by Faith, Not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Bok av Ks Garcia
In this book, Sara has it all according to worldly possessions. She has the love of a wonderful man, more money than anyone needs in their lifetime, and the job she had work so hard and always dreamed about having. Sara had all this and still kept a kind heart and wanted to give back to the world. She would help anybody in any way she could. Sara had it all, yet she always felt as if something was still missing in her life. When God calls upon Sara to do his work, she finally feels she is exactly where she is supposed to be. Sara is filled with more love and joy than she ever thought possible. Although frightened about what she has been encountering, Sara finds herself up against and unseen force that is threatening Sara and the children's happiness. Sara keeps her faith and knows if she continues the course that the Lord has put her on, he will see her through it, and she will defeat the evil and save the children of the deep blue. "And we all know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28).