Traversing the Scarlet Path

Bok av Soror Syrinx
A book exploring Thelemic ideas from a woman's perspective, and was written as an early part of a journey that is still ongoing and changing. This book is my attempt at designing rituals and celebrating creativity. Soror Syrinx is the author of the Scarlet Grimoire, Vault of Babalon, Care, Frater, and Portal of the King's Daughter. Each one is an individual exploration into various areas of magick as way of providing inspiration and guidance to others who are undertaking their own path, as the author supports the idea that we all have something to offer and encourages other to begin their own explorations. This particular book looks at the woman as a seer, as well as a partner in polarity and chakra exercises, or the beginning undertaking of sex magick. It hopes to start a discussion among others who can take these ideas further or to find what might otherwise work better.