The Guardian of the Republic

Bok av Guy Kabenga Tshibangu
How to take care of people in our part of the world is different from that described in this book; this way is still in force in some countries. Here, people have little or no knowledge of the guards. But forever lights, for example, each population particularly knew his guardians and vice versa, and that philosophical knowledge is so special that the guards know each of them individually by their cultural identities, the population knows their worldview and respond at any time, at the call of their guardian. As wonderfully illustrates the close relationship between democracy nation builders and their supporters: the national community. They sacrifice for them-they know our particular way of seeing things in society, our strengths and our weaknesses-they all know. They take care of us, they help us in the trials and difficulties, they protect us from the social crises that are too strong for us. Their speech is a call to brotherhood than any other speech resembles them. Their speech sounds the chord of Justice melee rope of solidarity and all resonant with humanity and Authority. Other economic theories, projects, financial arrangements or occult, do not have a harmony of tone similar to the message that the universalist people sent us by humanist's philosopher's light centuries. His speech speaks on social just for the crime-the national decline; he speaks of brotherhood, opening the path to social cohesion, by justice. This democratic demonstration forced all good citizens like no other message or speech could. In addition, when the good citizens hear the speeches of the nation guards, this discourse meets their desires, expectations like no other could.