Telling It

Bok av Linda Rodgers
To know me is to read about what I've written, I'm woven through out every word every sentence, it show's the kind of person your dealing with the content of my character. I have a strong sense of belief he who has nothing to hide hide's nothing and in order to grow you have to learn and also I believe there are rule's in life that have to be followed and if not... there are consequence's to every action good or bad, so pay close attention to lesson life give's. I'm very opinionated and don't mind 'TELLING IT' like it really is. I love the ' truth' no matter what form or fashion it come's in.Some can handle and take it with a grain of salt when others for the life of me i can't understand Just can't handle the truth "well i'm about to speak my truth on a couple of things that's been on my mind and on a couple of issuses, that just erk's the hell out of me starting with my "men folk" i love yall but some of yall are a "hot mess" some just push the envelop just a little to far, and my "women folk" some of yall are messes too and for the record i'm not leaving me out cause "i got my own issues." So on that note, let"s get down to the nitty gritty cause for some it's going to be a bumpy ride.