The End of the World or the Jewish Age? : Jewish Calamity or Universal Climax?

Bok av Gerald Wright
This Book contains a Comprehensive and Comparative Study of all the major Scriptural Texts that deal with the Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70  and the "End of the World"  or "Second Coming."   It is a book that scripturally proves beyond any doubt that Christ never promised a physical kingdom on earth;  that he clearly promised a spiritual kingdom;  that this kingdom was his church that  began when he ascended to the throne in AD 33  (Acts 2:22-47; Colossians 1:13;  Revelation 1:9)  and that it will last until the end of time and the universe.  This book includes the Bibles own interpretations of all of its "symbols"  and "numbers"  and pushes the student towards using the literal language to define and confine all figurative language.  This book uses Bible History to expose  Premillennial Hysteria for the false teaching that it is. It is a must have when teaching most modern denominational and cultic leaders and members.