The Great Wickedness of Christ's Saints, His Elect, and All Christians : This Book is the Revelation I will give to Apostle John

Bok av Jonathan Charles Spurgeon Bijja
       There are thousands of commentaries on the Revelation and Daniel, there were also books on the eschatology, times and about the mystery of iniquity, even about the beast.          But this little book you see is the only book, even the little scroll which John ate as mentioned in Chapter ten of the book of Revelation. For this little book is the Revelation of the things shall soon come to pass, which Lord Jesus by sending his angel just before the last trumpet revealed to John who in Spirit was carried into future,          In this book the wickedness of saints and elect of God and Christ is shown, who was called by God to the fellowship of his son with the high, holy and heavenly calling. how they forsook God pretty soon after he called them at the time of their new birth.             How they and their spiritual forefathers in Christ were wicked from the beginning, even from the second century, from the time of church fathers, it was shown in the book all the evil and spiritual wickedness these saints have committed in heavenly places.             It was shown how the wrath of God came upon them, how he cast them out from his fellowship and gave them to serve the Pope and Babylon the Church at Rome. And the mystery of the Beast on which the church at Rome rode was shown. And the mystery of abomination that makes desolate aka the image of the Beast that speaks and causes Christians to be killed was revealed, the mark, name, and the number of the beast is revealed.       The series of things that shall soon take place one after another beginning from this time and throughout the coming two-three decades, all these things were clearly explained to the servants of Christ and also the things they need to do.       The angel of Lord Jesus, the one who has signified the Revelation to John, who was mentioned in the very beginning of the book of Revelation, explains the book of Revelation, and the things it contains, he gives the overview of the whole book. And he also shows the things that were sealed by Daniel until the time of the last generation. This book will help those who go back and forth in time.        This book contains deep spiritual and scriptural language, it's not like any of the existing books on the end times, but I testify you before God, that this book is the only book given to saints, and this is that book John ate and prophesied these things in the book of Revelation. This book is given to saints to show them what things shall soon take place, and help them to gain victory over the Beast, over his image, and over the number of his name.     Hear all you that dwell in Sea, ALL YOU PEOPLE OF OTHER FAITHS learn how the God of Holy Prophets in the scriptures has spoken from t...