Bern, Baby, Bern!: Why Bernie Sanders' Policies Would Incinerate the U.S. Economy

Bok av J Kyle Devries
The United States has the ability to provide food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education to every citizen. Yet, there are many who lack these necessities despite the efforts of politicians and activists who advocate taking from the rich and giving to the poor. How can that be in a country as prosperous as ours? Bern Baby Bern answers that question, gives you a different perspective on politics and economics, and reveals truths you know exist on a visceral level but were never taught in school. Author Kyle deVries wrote this eye-opening book to encourage readers to think for themselves and view the entire picture before deciding which policies or economic systems are prudent. Through clear explanations and entertaining stories with such unique characters as Notsharon, Waterman, and Tommy the Tomato, you will learn: There is nothing inherently wrong with capitalism or socialism; people are what's wrong. What money truly represents and how that impacts social justice. Government will never compete with the private sector to improve society. How the left and right are correct on some issues and incorrect on others. Why we should embrace each other to solve problems and improve life for people and the planet rather than vilify and attack one another.