Horror High 3: The Great Brain Robbery

Bok av Paul Stafford
Horror High - don't go there! When zombie zilch-brain, Mick Living-Dead, makes an IQ-based bet, he couldn't have picked a worse opponent. Mick has no chance in Hell of winning a trivia contest against Mr Noel, Horror High's universally hated science teacher. He must resort to the only honourable option left - cheating. But Mick's too dense to hatch such a diabolically deluded plan by himself. It's his uber-brainy sister, Kim, who comes up with the goods. Who's the smartest person ever? Albert Einstein. Where's his brain kept? Horror Museum. If he wins, Mr Know-All resigns. If he loses, Mick forks out one year's burger-flipping money. Can he pull it off? Unlikely . . .Imagine a school made up of every kind of ghoul you can imagine, from zombies to werewolves, vampires to grim reapers - that's Horror High!