The 7 Deadly Toxins of Employee Engagement : How They Decimate Your Performance, Your Effectiveness & Your Bottom-Line and How You Neutralise Them

Bok av Bay Jordan
Employee engagement has become a cause. This is because you cannot run an effective business without people. Thus people need to be recognised more practically, rather than just philosophically, as an organisation's most valuable asset. Yet you will find it difficult to do this if you are a victim of what can be called the 7 deadly toxins. Not only are these destructive to your efforts, but they are also built into your very solutions to address the problems. In other words much of the effort to improve engagement actually does the opposite and spreads disengagement. It is like taking a medicine that makes you more ill. This short book reveals how and why this is and what the remedy is. It is a must read for any business leader looking to make the most of his people, avoid the mistakes of the past and release the full potential of his people, and hence that of the organisation.