Applied Green Chemistry Set

Bok av Royal Society Of Chemistry
Green Chemistry is increasingly becoming the norm in modern chemistry, and its philosophy of reducing the use and generation of hazardous substances is a great asset in the drive towards sustainability in the 21st Century. This collection of books examines various applications of green chemistry, including food manufacturing, transportation fuels and analytical chemistry. Drawn from the Green Chemistry book Series published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the collection presents a comprehensive source of informed opinion and cutting-edge research. This set contains the following volumes: Alternatives to Conventional Food Processing (ISBN 9781849731515) 499 pages, 2010 Edited by Andrew Proctor This cross disciplinary book relates green principles to the food industry, covering legal and policy issues, engineering, food processing and food science. Transportation Biofuels (ISBN 9781849730433) 208 pages, 2010 Authored by A Hoogendoorn and Han van Kasteren This book offers an insight into three promising and innovative pathways for the biological production of biodiesel, ethanol and methane. Challenges in Green Analytical Chemistry (ISBN 9781849731324) 330 pages, 2011 Edited by Miguel de la Guardia and Salvador Garrigues The first book to be published in this area and aimed at laboratory managers and teachers of analytical chemistry and green public policy makers this is a must for anyone working in or affiliated with Green Chemistry. Green Trends in Insect Control (ISBN 9781849731492) 374 pages, 2011 Edited by Oscar Lopez and Jose Fernandex-Bolanos This book presents the new families of insecticides developed recently as a "green" alternative to classical and more toxic agrochemicals. The Future of Glycerol (ISBN 9781849730464) 192 pages, 2010 Authored by Mario Pagliaro and Michele Rossi This book depicts how practical limitations posed by glycerol chemistry are solved based on the understanding of the fundamental chemistry of glycerol.