A Dip in the Gene Pool

Bok av John Huggins
`A Dip in the Gene Pool' will hopefully serve as a demonstration that you can attain anything you desire, so long as you crave it with sufficient avarice and are prepared to encourage other people to work hard enough to make it worth your while claiming the credit once your goal has been satisfactorily achieved. If there is a single lesson to be learned, it is that whilst intellect and diligence will eventually triumph over ignorance and sloth, victory is unlikely to occur soon enough to be of any immediate help; and because we are born with inbuilt character traits that it is impossible to subjugate, we will ultimately finish up being outflanked by the inevitable. Perhaps the fact that the meek were promised inheritance of the earth a couple of thousand years ago, but when you turn on your television set you still see Simon Cowell, should tell you as much about the subject as you wish to know. Anyway, let's look on the bright side, face ahead and embrace the positives. Life isn't all bad; Woolworths and BHS may no longer exist but cans of baked beans have recently gained pull rings, wine bottles have reverted to screw tops, and we can take comfort from the fact that global warming has been mitigated to climate change. Don't worry about the bastards grinding you down. If it wasn't you it would be someone less worthy; and doubtless they would prove considerably less interesting.