Reclaiming Happiness : 8 Strategies for an Authentic Life and Greater Peace

Bok av Nicola Phoenix
The message in this book is simple but powerful: you are already complete you just don't know it. The book will teach you about your authentic self, how to embrace it and how to live your life aligned with it. As The Spiritual Psychologist, Nicola communicates a grounded, informed and nurturing way of living in spirit. Combining the insight of timeless teachings from Eastern philosophy with practical and inspiring ways in which we can create a new life, a new self and most of all a new awareness of the wonder of our being. Learn to divert yourself away from the 8 misunderstandings you may currently hold about yourself and your life. As you begin to acknowledge your true magnificence, these misunderstandings transform into new acceptances and patterns in your thoughts, actions and behaviour. Live a life in total alignment with peace, harmony and happiness. This is a journey to becoming a complete and whole being - to reclaiming your real self. A must for anyone with an idea that they are not creating their own reality. With the focus of Yoga being constantly highlighted towards the physical benefits this book introduces the reader to an individual who lives and teaches from the philosophical Yogic perspective. Concepts of the ancient teachings are addressed in a modern and relevant way. Nicola's experience working with very vulnerable clients has led her to develop a process of transformation that addresses common feelings, situations and experiences that the reader can easily identify with. Nicola uses subtle psychological questioning to allow the reader to fully shift to a new way of being. Written in a nurturing way, Nicola's years of experience as a psychologist inform the style and theme of this book with the most effective way to guide a client towards change. This books uses eastern and western perspectives at their best. Individuals do not want to be told, they need to be supported and understood. This book provides both. Personal insights from Nicola's own struggles gives the reader total permission to be themselves, for if a psychologist cannot give you her truth, who can? This book understands the pursuit of truth from a very modern perspective.