From Mafeking to Molehills - The Reluctant Cub Scout

Bok av Jon Laidlaw
by Jon Laidlaw ISBN 978 1 846930539Published: 2007Pages: 230 DescriptionFrom Mafeking to Molehills - The Reluctant Cub Scout"It's not funny James. What the hell do I know about camping?" Christ, it must be at least thirty years since my twin brother David and I marched off to the Isle of Wight with the Church Lads Brigade. We had only joined them because the uniform was far more fashionable than the ones offered by the other youth organisations of that time. I can still remember struggling up the gentle slopes of Bembridge in the bright August sunlight sweating profusely under the unbearably stiff collars and heavy serge. But our buttons were clean and our boots were polished and apparently that was what was important."But Mrs Cunliffe, I mean Akela, says they need helpers and anyway I stuck my hand up now so you've got to do it.""Thanks James" I said, thinking of my excuses already. "She'll ring you tomorrow to arrange a meeting so that you can meet all the other dads who were, er. have, volunteered". About the AuthorJon Laidlaw is fifty four. Born, raised and educated in the village of Shepperton. The younger of identical twins. He is married to Carolyn and has two children James and Victoria. He now commutes between his homes in Marbella and Hampshire.