Vital Face : Facial Exercises and Massage for Health and Beauty

Bok av Leena Kiviluoma
This is a unique, revolutionary and totally natural self-care programme developed to treat muscle based health problems and reduce the signs of ageing. The fully-illustrated handbook guides you through stretching and massage techniques to relax the facial, neck and shoulder muscles, with particular emphasis on the jaw, where tension is often held. The exercises address health issues such as teeth clenching and grinding, pain in the face, jaw, head or neck, and can even improve the effects of Bell's Palsy. They also achieve positive cosmetic results such as reduced facial lines and healthy glowing skin. The strengthening exercises will help to lift the facial features and prevent facial sagging. The impact of each exercise is clearly explained so you can concentrate on techniques to! target your individual situation, needs and goals. This supportive guide will help anyone who wants to improve the wellbeing and appearance of the face and neck, and will also be of particular interest to those working in the fields of health and beauty. 'Leena Kiviluoma has done trailblazing work in developing her ingenious, easy-to-use facial muscle care technique. I use her book when I teach anatomy, physiology and skin care to trainee beauty care professionals. With the help of this book clients of beauty therapists can also practice effective self-applied beauty routines at home which will help to maintain a youthful appearance.' -Anna-Liisa Halsas-Lehto, Master of Health Science, Vocational Teacher, Beauty Therapist 'I use Leena Kiviluoma's book when I teach students on oral health care degree programmes about masticatory systems and how patients can treat certain dysfunctions themselves. This is an excellent book for health care profess! ionals.' -Tarja Ruokokoski, Dentist, Senior lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences 'The developer of facial muscle care and facial muscle therapy, physiotherapist Leena Kiviluoma has written a comprehensive book about facial muscle care, which has many benefits for muscles and the connective tissues, the nervous system, the circulatory system, the skin and the bones. The medically-based instructions are safe and everyone can choose the right exercise and procedures suitable for their individual needs. Regular practice of facial muscle exercises improves both health and outlook.' -Good Health Magazine, Finnish edition 'I tried this programme developed by Leena Kiviluoma. Both the relaxedness and the capacity of my jaw increased noticeably.' -Fitness and Health Magazine, Finnish edition