Logique Dynamique De La Fiction. Pour Une Approche Dialogique

Bok av Juan Redmond
Logique Dynamique de la Fiction is a masterly piece of work and a substantial contribution to a disciplined understanding of human thought and discourse about the unreal. It is, in that very respect, a logic working at the very heart of les sciences humaines. M. Redmond's command of the literature - actually of the several literatures associated with each of the constituent parts of his synthesis - is not only substantial and comprehensive; it is also rather breath-taking. Equally impressive is the technical assurance displayed by the formal development of the constituent logics, and the virtuosity with which they are adapted to the purposes of his project. [...] On the other hand, I find myself rather captivated by the insight that the practices of fiction - its writing and its reading - possess an inherently dialogical structure, and with it, the idea that to get the semantics of fiction right it will be necessary to dynamize the underlying logic. John Woods Bien que la logique de la non - existence a t dveloppe ds les dbuts de la philosophie analytique, il a fallu attendre les travaux de John Woods en 1974, afin que les relations entre logique et littrature, notamment sur la question de la fictionalit, commencent tre considres. Le dveloppement de ces liens entre logique et littrature sera-t-il fructueux la fois pour la philosophie de la logique, pour l'analyse philosophique de la littrature et, plus gnralement, pour l'analyse de la fictionalit? C'est cette question que le prsent ouvrage propose d'apporter des lments de rponse. Shahid Rahman