Special Educational Needs : A Parent's Guide

Bok av Antonia Chitty
As many as one in five children may at some time need extra help with their education, but does this mean they have special educational needs? Using expert advice and the latest information, this book brings together the facts on special educational needs; explaining the different types of additional needs, and giving advice for parents and teachers on how to cope with children in daily life. Speech: speech and language therapy Global Development Delay: what is developmental delay, getting your child assessed, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, communication and language delay Autism Spectrum Disorder, autism, Asperger's syndrome Hearing and sight: signs of hearing problems,signs of sight problems, optometrist, orthoptist, ophthalmologist, eye health, squint and lazy eye, low vision, partial sight Physical disabilities: access at school Hereditary and genetic conditions: Dunchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Down's syndrome, Fragile X, advice, counselling, Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs): dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, assessmemt Family life and behaviour difficulties at home Sleep deprivation, early morning waking Education, early years action, early years action plus, portage service, special educational needs code of practice, statutory assessment, statement of special educational needs, individual education plans, special schools Housing and finance, benefits, funds. Find out which professionals can help, how to get through the 'system' and gain support, how to handle behavioural difficulties at home and school, and how to get the best education for your child's needs. Whether you are worried about your child's development or work with children and want to know more about the subject, this book will guide you through helping a child with special educational needs. Authors: Antonia Chitty and Victoria Dawson