William Morris and News from Nowhere : A Vision of Our Time

Bok av Stephen Coleman
This book marks the centenary of the publication of William Morris' most celebrated work, the utopian novel News from Nowhere. Originally received as backward-looking and hopelessly romantic, News from Nowhere was in reality ahead of its time, articulating a coherent vision of 'how we live and how we might live' that has much in common with the views of idealists and 'green' thinkers of the present day. William Morris &?News from Nowhere:?a Vision for Our Time is a re-evaluation of Morris's ideas on such diverse subjects as love, work, revolution, architecture, economics and ecology. In the light of the breakdown of the old order in Eastern Europe and the crisis of capitalism in the West, together with the 'greening' of societies throughout Europe and elsewhere, Morris has much to contribute to the search for new ways of thinking and action, for new social and political structures, and for new attitudes to Nature and ourselves. The chapters have been contributed by Christopher Hampton, John Crump, Jan Marsh, Ray Watkinson, Colin Ward, Mark Pearson, Adam Buick, Stephen Coleman and Paddy O'Sullivan.