Why Are My Goals Not Working? : Color Personalities for Network Marketing Success

Bok av Keith Schreiter
Can goals be easy? What is the secret? Some goals feel difficult. Other goals feel easy to achieve. Why is this? There are many factors that can help us, or sabotage us on our way to achieving our goals. Once we understand these building blocks, we can put them to use to design goals that work for us. Building blocks? Think of them as tools that remove difficulty and enhance achievement. Look at these five common-sense ideas that help. First, humans are short-term thinkers. Our initial goals need short timelines. We also have short-term memories. Second, our initial goals should be small. We need to build our goal-achieving muscles. This will give us confidence. Third, we must understand our personality style. This is what sabotages most goals. If our goals are not in alignment with our personality, it all goes wrong fast. Fourth, do our goals match our internal core values? If not, how can we be motivated when we feel that nagging doubt? Fifth, instead of using willpower, could we put mini-habits to work instead? This would take away our mental stress. Setting goals that work for us is easy when we have guidelines and a checklist. Don't feel guilty for not achieving your goals. Instead, feel the adrenaline rush of success each time you achieve your new goals.