Natal Hypnotherapy Programme (for Hospital or Birth Centre) : A Self Hypnosis CD Programme for a Better Pregnancy and Birth Experience

Bok av Maggie Howell
"The Natal Hypnotherapy Programme" has been designed to give you the maximum benefit, practice and experience of using these powerful techniques to ensure you have a truly wonderful pregnancy and birth experience. It is a four step programme which builds your skills, abilities and confidence in your body. "The Pregnancy Relaxation CD" will help you: increase your energy and feelings of well being; getting improved sleep; maintain a healthy blood pressure; reduce, even eliminate aches and pains; increase communication with your baby; maintain a feeling of calm and relaxation; and, learn techniques that will help with giving birth. "The Effective Birth Preparation CD (Hospital or Birth Centre)" will help you to: reduce fear of giving birth; increase your ability to manage and reduce pain; develop a deep trust of your bodies ability to give birth naturally; feel calm, relaxed and prepared for the birth; increase your sense of being in control; increase your chance of having a drug fee labour; and, reduce the chances of having post natal depression. The "Relaxing birth music CD" will help you to: enhance the deep relaxation you can achieve by listening to the music CD during labour. It acts as it is a subconscious trigger to relax and recall all the positive suggestions you will take in while listening to the birth preparation CD. "The Fast Post Natal recovery CD" will help you to: increase your confidence as a new mother; recover at a faster rate; have easy, natural lactation and breastfeeding; have a deep refreshing sleep (even if it is only for half an hour); return fast to pre-pregnancy shape and size; have a sense of calm and tranquillity; have an increased bond with your baby; and, have a decreased chance of post natal depression.