The Story of Steve : An Immigrants Tale

Bok av Dan Remenyi
The Story of Steve is a biography and a ghost story set in various parts of the world including the slums of World War 2 Dublin and the plush life of colonial Africa.From his arrival in Ireland from Hungary as a Radio Officer on board a Finnish ship in 1941, Steve Remenyi was faced with what might have been for others, insurmountable problems. His ship was trapped in Dublin. He couldn't speakEnglish and he didn't know anyone in Ireland. But Steve was both an optimist and a survivor and made the most of the challenges facing him. So he started a business.Then marrying, seeing his business go broke and having a child in war time Dublin were just a few of the problems he faced. After the war ended he returned to the sea with Irish Shipping and became involved in the lucrative Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes operation. This changed his life dramatically. But for various reasons this new found comfortable life in Dublin's Mount Merion on the South Side of the city did not last long.He immigrated with his family to South Africa and then Rhodesia. This was during the heydays of apartheid in South Africa and the rule of the Settler Government in Rhodesia. Nonetheless it seemed that he never achieved the promised success which he had thought possible when leaving Ireland for a new life in the southern hemisphere. He died early when 65 years old.But his death was not the end of the story. Steve's memory did not rest in peace. It transpired that he was a highly secretive man. This immigrant's tale reached out from beyond the grave to touch the life of his three children - each in different ways. This included visiting the pastoral Hungarian countryside and Auschwitz itself.Dan Remenyi writes continuously in the field of information systems and research education. This is his first nontechnical book. He holds a number of qualifications all of which are completely irrelevant to this book except that story telling is pervasive in both education and in writing in general. He lives in the UK with his wife and two girls and an antisocial cat, a hamster, two hens, three ducks and anunknown number of miniature fish.