Stall Detection and Control in Industrial Fans

Bok av Geoff Sheard
How do engineers learn from in service failures, and perhaps more importantly, how can they avoid repeating the past mistakes of others? How can engineers apply what they have learnt following an in-service failure to the design of new products and systems that avoid previous design errors? Stall Detection and Control in Industrial Fans answers these questions and more. The editor and authors provide real insight into the reality of what they needed to create and apply new knowledge into the most demanding applications. Touted by many leaders, both domestically and internationally, this book will appeal to: corporate managers accountable for maintaining a technical lead over competitors; senior engineers who are trusted to lead research and development programs; junior engineers who wish to learn what it means to develop and apply new technology; those within the air movement and control community who wish to gain an insight into how new knowledge is created and put to work; those within the wider engineering community who wish to understand how to learn from inservice failures, to make their own response to a failure more effective; and, those within academia who wish to become more effective at not only creating new knowledge, but putting it to work.