Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide Series: Bk. 3 Cancer: Research and Politics

Bok av Jonathan Chamberlain
Cancer: Research & Politics Is Book 3 in the Cancer: Complete Recovery Guide series. This book provides a detailed evaluation of why cancer research has not found a cure - 7 flaws are identified. This book also looks at the unhealthy relationship between the medical system, the cancer research industry, agencies like FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the big drug companies (Big Pharma as they are known collectively). This book also tells the story of a number of scientists, doctors and other individuals who bucked the system. A number of related issues are discussed (health freedoms, profits vs cures etc) The Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guides (in 8 books) collectively tell you what cancer is; what the diagnostic tools are; what the pros and cons are of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy; how to protect yourself from damage; what the other new mainstream treatments are; why cancer research is failing to come up with cures; what the alternative therapies are that many people are doing - often with great success: the additional diagnostic tests you might want to consider; the detox regimes; the diets, herbs, vitamins, supplements and other approaches that have helped. The books also contain stories of over two dozen people who recovered from their cancers mainly using alternative approaches. This series of eight short books is also available in a single volume with index under the title: The Cancer Survivor's Bible.