Baby Journal

Bok av Yasmeen Ismail
The first year of parenthood is nothing short of momentous. A tiny, hapless little being emerges and over the course of what seems like mere moments, they quadruple their weight, treble their height, learn to walk, learn to talk and before you know it they're starting school and asking for an iphone. It's hard to slow down the clock, but documenting the journey is invaluable. This baby journal makes a refreshing change from the usual saccharine fare that new parents find themselves facing. Yasmeen Ismail is a successful illustrator and animator whose bright and brilliant watercolour paintings provide the perfect frame for thoughts and reflections. After all, you might have a baby, but that does not mean you've had a complete crisis of taste! The book is printed on different paper stock interleaved with one another, and little envelopes in which to place mementos - a leaf from a walk in the park, a lock of hair, a flyer from the first exhibition you went to.