How to Live the Life You Deserve : The Inspiring True Story of a Family's Faith and Courage Through Many of Life's Challenges, and How They Discovered the Secrets of Happiness and Success

Bok av James Koumis
"After all the upsets, struggles, and negative experiences I have had, including at one point nearly ending it all, I have felt a deep desire to move on to a more positive and healthy life. Having done so, I now wish to share this wonderful transformation of mine with others and above all to inspire you. I mean this from my heart and soul. To know that I can help just one person from this book will make this journey of mine all worthwhile. So prepare yourself, if you are ready to change your life for a brighter future - as I promise you will be after reading this book. Once you have applied all the information in it and have become more aware of your own existence to take this first step in faith, you will be on the way to becoming the person you really desire to be."