Vaginal Birth After a Caesarean : Hypnobirthing for a VBAC Birth in Hospital or Birth Centre

Bok av Maggie Howell
The first part is a clearing, releasing and relaxing track. Using the track from 20 weeks onwards will help you overcome negative emotions and issues relating to your past caesarean experience. The track helps you to recognize fears and concerns which are directly connected to your previous experience and then takes you, step by step through a powerful "letting go" exercises. This enables you to "clear the path" and look ahead to the next birth, recognizing that every birth is so unique and every labour is different. The track then moves you to a new place where you can increase your confidence and inherent trust and belief in your bodies ability to give birth vaginally.The second part takes you on a guided visualisation through giving birth vaginally. It focuses on increasing your confidence, courage, being in control, ability to communicate effectively and to make decisions in a clear, calm way.Benefits of listening to Hypnobirthing for Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)VBAC I will help you to:* Recognize any negative emotions connected with your previous caesarean experience * Let go of emotions which are no longer helpful to you and the birth of this baby * Experience a forgiveness technique which allows you to move forward and focus on the unique birth experience ahead of you * Overcome anxiety and fears connected with your forthcoming birth * Increase communication and bonding with your baby * Increase self belief and trust in your body's ability to give birth vaginallyVBAC II will help you to:* Increase your feelings of calm and relaxation leading up to and during the birth * Overcome anxiety and fears connected with your forthcoming birth * Manage and reduce pain * Increase self belief and trust in your bodies ability to give birth vaginally * Increase communication and bonding with your baby * Reduce the need for drugs during labour * Increase your level of confidence and courage to have a vaginal birth * Increase your ability to communicate your needs and remain in control of the birth * Feel in control of the birth and be at ease with decisions you make