'The Spiritual Life' and 'the Spiral Way': Volume 1 : Two Classic Books by Evelyn Underhill (Aziloth Books)

Bok av Evelyn Underhill
Acknowledged as one of the most profound modern commentators on Christian mysticism, Evelyn Underhill did not easily find her own spiritual path. Between 1911 and 1921 she wrestled to understand spiritual experiences via academic research into early Christian mysticism and the life of individual mystics. This led her into active contemplation and, eventually, to the formation of her own profound view of the mystical path. The Spiritual Life derives from a series of four talks, broadcast on the BBC during the 1930s; its purpose is to circumvent technical theological terminology and to describe "some of the great truths concerning man's spiritual life in simple language". In this Underhill succeeds admirably, and the book has become a well-deserved classic. The Spiral Path is a longer study, describing the Christian path of fifteen mysteries that are to be followed in the soul's ascent to God. Both works are written in plain, easy-to-understand language - garnished with the wit and gentle wisdom that has made Evelyn Underhill a must-read for all who struggle to follow a spiritual life in the modern world.