Girl Who Fell 4 : Reckoning. Women-centric magical realism thriller series. Helen of Troy reincarnates as a spy at the center of not only a lesbian love triangle, but also an age-old battle between Ze

Bok av Raechel Sands
From US magazine interview with author Raechel Sands, in Alaska, February 25, 2018 "Sure we live in uncertain times. But within the cyber clouds circling us all ? and contending for our beliefs ? there are some certainties. In my family, my great grandfather (who fought for Britain in the Second World War, becoming expert in getting mules to swim jungle rivers in Burma) was renowned for quoting that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Well (sorry, great grandpa) my Metapox chronicles deal with three additional ones: SPIES ? Security cameras, cookies, bugging, spy satellites hidden in the sky, and the women and men of the ?Intelligence' world hidden in our midst. ANGELS ? Some people might think these don't belong in a spy thriller. I'm hoping they will read the books and then judge. After all, over 80% of people consistently rate their belief in angels as ?probably? or ?absolutely.? PAST LIVES ? and karma. ?Rebirth? or ?reincarnation' is embraced by Asian religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. In recent decades, many North Americans and Europeans have developed an interest in it. My books are filled with badass women like: KITTY, an American reporter murdered by secret agents; BLANKA, her daughter, a guitarist, DJ, animal conservationist, and special agent at MI6; NEARBY, Blanka?s mysterious protégée, who also works at MI6. Now add reincarnation to the mix. In their previous lives, KITTY and NEARBY were nine year-old twin sisters murdered at the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz.  FELICITY ? another MI6 spy, and Nearby?s lookalike ? is the reincarnation of their murderer! That's the way it goes. We?re not just flesh and blood, but reincarnated souls too. Even angels may be hidden in amongst us? In order not to give away the surprises, and spoil the chronicles, the full identity of the characters and their past lives is not revealed ? until the time is right, of course.  I've included a Character List in Metapox 3: Epiphany ? when the ultimate star of stars begins to change the direction of the series. She?s a refugee now, and a girl, but who was she in her past life? By tradition, when soulmates are parted before their time, they eventually find each other again. These soulmates ? from the prehistoric ?Age of Heroes? ? rekindle a love so strong that it withstands the ultimate test that time can throw at it: the twilight of the ?Age of Machines? fortold in the ancient Vedas. F...