Our Ancestors from the Stars

Bok av June Rye
Following on from my book The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius, which explained a little about life?s biggest questions, Ancestors goes into more detail about why we are here, how we got here, and what happens when we die.  It unravels the mystery of the biblical figure of Adam, and why he was not the only ?Adam? who ever walked on Earth. It also discusses our DNA, and why it contains alien traces and coding that will provide a blueprint for future human behaviour and intelligence.  It investigates the original dates, construction and purpose of Earth?s pyramids and other significant landmarks with respect to alien activity. And finally, it looks at well-documented, first-hand experiences of alien presence on and around Earth, and why there must now be a disclosure of the facts.  I hope you enjoy this further insight into Earth?s mysteries, its gods, and growing awareness that we do indeed have ancestors from the stars.