Flying Start : how to become an airline pilot

Bok av Fk Snepvangers
Flying Start, how to become an Airline Pilot, will act as a guide for anyone wishing to embark on the road to becoming an Airline Pilot.  Snep provides practical advice that you will find both encouraging and realistic.  Drawing from a wealth of experience he has put together a manual that will give you a thorough understanding of the process from dream to first line flight.  It also serves as a reference for what to expect and how to approach each step along the way.  Required reading for anyone who is seriously thinking about aviation as a career.  Today is actually a good time for you to start your preparation, investigation and planning to become an airline pilot.  First of all, it takes a minimum of c.18 months to complete your flight training, so today's turmoil and lack of new pilot jobs is not a factor.  Secondly by 2022 the world will look a very different place, we will have a vaccine for Covid-19 virus, we will have resumed all of our daily activities, people will be flying again, the world's population will still be growing and last but not least the rising middle classes in developing economies will want to fly to nice destinations themselves. It's a great time to follow your passion and start your journey to "Be the Pilot at Your Dream Airline". My hope is that by reading this book, you will have a clearer route map to finding that dream job as an airline pilot.