What is Left Unsaid : Reporting the South African HIV Epidemic

Bok av Kristin Palitza
This publication is a multi-authored investigation into HIV reporting in South Africa, and combines journalism with research to present an analysis that is at once broad in its scope and focused on the important issues. What is left unsaid: Reporting the South African HIV epidemic is a collection of work produced by the fellows of the HIV/AIDS & the Media Project, started by Helen Struthers and Anton Harber in 2003. It contains a selection of the best journalism and research produced by the Media Project Fellows, which gives an important insight into the history and key issues of South African health politics and media reporting on HIV in the last decade. The texts range from in-depth quantitative and qualitative research documents to radio and television transcripts and candid interviews. The title's first section contains research and news reporting reflecting on how the media has reported HIV-related issues, while the second section consists of reporting on pertinent aspects of HIV: stigma, denial, disclosure; PMTCT; orphans and vulnerable children; abstinence and faithfulness; and traditional healers. Each half informs and elucidates the other and works to, as journalism should, shine a light on one the world's most pressing concerns, both at the grassroots and higher levels, and give a voice to those whose voices are often not heard against the din of political controversy that surrounds HIV.