A Western World

Bok av Michael Deforge
Praised by Publishers Weekly as "one of his generation's most admired cartoonists," DeForge is the vanguard of a new wave of alternative cartoonists. DeForge was a storyboard artist and prop designer for the megahit Cartoon Network program Adventure Time. One can see hints of that show's house style filtered through the Lynchian landscapes and otherworldly vistas of DeForge's vision. Koyama Press' previous medleys of DeForge miscellany are two of our bestselling books and have received enormous critical acclaim. These often rare and hard to find comics are some of DeForge's best comics and no longer his best-kept secrets. DeForge's star has been continuously on the rise since his appearance on the comics scene with Lose #1 in 2009. He is a prolific artist who is constantly producing work whether it is in the form of self-published zines, online work, anthologies, jam comics, and more. Like Very Casual and Dressing before it, A Western World conveniently collects highlights of this work for the many rabid DeForge fans.