Pregnancy Sense : Your Guide to a Sensible Pregnancy and a Sensational Birth

Bok av Heather Wood
Pregnancy is a journey like no other. It is the start of a new human life. It is also the birth of a mother who, over nine months, changes in every possible way - physically, emotionally and socially. It is a pivotal period in the life of a family. A sensible pregnancy is a carefully considered pregnancy - providing your child with the ultimate start in life and shaping his potential. Your nutrition, wellbeing and emotions during this wonderful time play a large role in defining the rest of your baby's life. The experience must also be safe and containing for you. Birth - your baby's entry into our world - is a profoundly significant moment in life and one you don't get to repeat. Being empowered with knowledge, understanding your choices and being active in the process will make this a sensational birth. Ultimately it does not matter how your baby is born; what matters is how you feel about your baby's birth and that it is safe. Reading Pregnancy Sense will reduce the anxiety that may stem from the unknown and help you make your choices with insight and flexibility. This is the secret to a sensible pregnancy and a sensational birth. Meg Faure (OT), Jacky Searle (obstetrician) and Heather Wood (midwife) feel privileged to join you on this journey.