Everything About ME (Special Needs Children) : A Guide for My Future Caregivers - Families of Children with Special Needs

Bok av Dee Marrella
Here is the only "Guide/Tool" that provides families/guardians an opportunity to tell the caregivers in the future, who will take care of their child with special needs, literally "EVERYTHING" about them. The question most often expressed by parents/guardians is, "What happens if I/we die first?" This is one reason this book was created - to provide the child with special needs, a true "voice" in the future. On these pages, all the pertinent facts and data can be assembled. If the day comes that a new caregiver (a stranger) comes into the life of this child (perhaps, now an adult), this information will provide a complete and comprehensive view of just who this person is, how they think, what is important to them, their favourite foods and music, the things they "don't like", how they enjoy spending free time, and even the more serious topics - such as how they want to be remembered and what music they might want played at their funeral. This is a tool that can truly impact the future.