War Star Rising
Bok av Zoodoc
There are many legends that could be told about the life and times of the ancient Mayas. But the one that's most compelling and most touching is the Legend of Toucan Moon, in War Star Rising! Lan Sluder, Belize resident and Editor/Publisher of Belize First Magazine (www.belizefirst.com) and a Belize Travel Writer, says: "War Star Rising! is fast-paced, well-researched and full of authentic detail. This is a ripping tale of adventure and romance...and a roaring good read. It recreates the time long, long ago when the Maya ruled MesoAmerica. ZooDoc's book probes the mysteries and romance of this exotic, yet somehow familiar, culture. If you've ever dreamed of jaguars and jungle, if you've ever wanted to travel back in time to the Land of the Maya, if you have a speck of romance in your soul, this will be a book you simply can't put down.a must read! Bravo, ZooDoc."