Vision &; Impact of Fethullah Gulen : A New Paradigm for Social Activism

Bok av Maimul Ahsan Khan
Fethullah Gulen, who has been a household name in modern Turkey for several decades, has become something of a centre of gravity for millions of people from all walks of life throughout the world. Gulen's discourse is full of compassion for all with a deep concern for the whole of humankind as a prolific writer, public speaker and poet over a period of five decades. Aiming to expand the modern social space for selfless love and sacrifice for all humanity, Gulen has dedicated his entire life to developing a better, more humane society for all. This work illustrates the ways in which Gulen and the supporters of the movement inspired by him have presented a new kind of social activism coupled with a deeper sense of spirituality and altruism that has been missing from many contemporary civic movements.