Ma Ruth Story, She Did What She Could with What She Had

We have all heard the saying that there is something unique about a mother's love. The saying suggests that those who have known or experienced true love from a mother will discover that nothing can be compared to its captivating power and strength. That strength has been known to carry many a child through ebbs and flows in life and land them back at the very place where that mother wanted them to be. This is a rare account of eight sons and one daughter-in-law who have memorialized their mother by recounting her legacy of training and love. With candor, humor and passion each lays bare a heart that has known the incredible power of a mother's love. Each of them, in their own way, talks about their relationship with their mother, the values she taught them and the ways in which their lives have been enlarged by her love. They each also share nuggets of their own pain over her lost and the void they felt at her passing. Ma Ruth's Story is rich with aphorisms, teachings, special sayings, proverbs and good old-fashioned common sense that all children need to hear and all parents need to know about. -Dr. Mary H. Young