Guha talks with the Mother of God : Conversations with Luna Tarlo and others

Bok av Sabyasachi Guha
Sabyasachi Guha is a dropout from the game of social dynamics. He describes himself as homeless and godless. He talks with anybody interested in what he has to say, but does not want to impose his point of view on anyone. A retired physicist, he now wanders freely from here to there, meeting with friends and acquaintances and, as he often puts it, "just chit-chatting." Luna says," Guha is the most transparent person I have ever met." Luna Tarlo is the author of The Mother of God, and several novels. She lives alone in New York City. Guha tells her, "You have lived ninety years on this planet. You are a champion of the human species. How many people in the whole history of humanity from day one have survived this long, walked on two feet, lived independently, gone to the gym several times a week and engaged passionately in discussing human conflict, sorrow and the resolution! If you don't smile, then humanity is doomed!"