Nothing to Do, But Pray

Bok av Sister Mary Grace
Good poetry is paradoxical. Poems are personal, yet expressive. Simple, yet profound. Therein lies the power of Sister Mary Grace's verses. She writes of love, anger, sadness, joy, patience, and of course, a loving Paternal God who proves to be the consistent Presence along the restless journey of humanity. In "Gazing," Sister captures this with the following words: I am looking at you, my child of grace. Will you simply look at Me? Sister's consistent themes throughout her candid verses are prayer and gratitude. She also writes of the struggle of human emotion in "Mad Sad": I had planned to smash a plate with my paperweight; but I, late have learned, a smashed plate can't smash sad. Don't be fooled by the minimalist approach in this book's design. Sister Mary Grace presents gems of ardent love, where the poetry speaks for itself. Small and easy to carry, "Nothing to Do, But Pray" is an essential addition to anyone's collection of poetry, but is also a real spiritual tool for those seeking a closer relationship with God.